The Vision


Through Christ, the Holy Spirit is alive in me. And He’s alive in you too. God’s story in our lives matters. Collectively, our lives bear witness of a Father who loves us first and beyond measure, beyond understanding. It is a story of unfailing grace and relentless pursuit of our hearts.

Proclaiming God’s work in our lives matters. My voice matters, YOUR voice matters. He made us unique on purpose, with a purpose. When we share our stories, we affirm with our souls and shared humanity that we are beloved children of God. We discover the strength, hope and joy we have anchored in Love. We give hope and encouragement to others. We celebrate God’s unfailing grace and love, our full humanity and life as Teacher.


We are all God’s children, and every voice and story matters.

We believe God is present and deeply involved in the details of our lives, communicating with our us continually through the Holy Spirit. Our stories are constantly evolving as God moves in, around and through us, and as in-breaking divine Reality challenges us to grow and draws us nearer into the embrace of the Ancient, Eternal, Holy and turns us outward in hospitality, curiosity, and vulnerability.


Empower people to deeply listen, cultivate presence and explore and articulate the movement of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, lives, relationships and communities.


The early church depicted in Acts 2:42-46 guides me. Rather than be reduce to simple history or obligation, the story begs the question: How do we live with everything in common?

Romans 8:19 is haunting: All creation longs for the children of God to be revealed. This can only be because creation is assured our revelation will be good news to all creation, especially those whom receive the least amount of good news.


Curiosity- Notice, wonder, receive, release.

Grace- We are all on a journey, and we are honored to walk it out together.

Vulnerability- Honest self-reflection and open conversation.

Respect- Honoring ourselves and each other as unique children of God.

Unity- Many parts, one Body. Together we rise.